

We are a company that specializes in the development of clean energy and transport projects. We also carry out market analyses, develop project concepts and business plans, as well as new technology deployment strategies. We have been active in the market since 2010. Since the beginning, we have focused on electromobility, battery storage and development of technologically complex projects. Recently, we have also been working on green hydrogen projects.


Development of charging infrastructure, fleet electrification, advanced charging solutions. Forum elektromobilita. Portál elektromobilita.

Battery energy storage

Battery systems and their applications: ancillary services, autonomous generation, power supply optimisation, etc. Second life batteries.


Production, storage and distribution of emission-free and low-emission hydrogen. Integration with RES and battery storage. PPA contracts.

complex projects

Integration of multiple technologies. Optimization of local production/consumption. Flexibility for ancillary services. Local distribution networks. Energy communities.

we provide


We provide our clients and partners with services in the field of project management, management consulting and communication, exclusively in the field of clean energy and transport.


Project Development

We provide project development services to investors in the energy and transport sectors: from concept development, through feasibility analysis and financing model to implementation supervision.

⚪︎ Identification of project opportunities

⚪︎ Business case / project design

⚪︎ Feasibility study

⚪︎ Financing model

⚪︎ Applications for funding

⚪︎ Permitting process

⚪︎ Project management



We advise suppliers of energy products and services facing the current changes in the energy markets on the development of new products and business strategies.

⚪︎ Market analyses and projections

⚪︎ Technology overview and development

⚪︎ Overview of legislation and its interpretation

⚪︎ Identification of competitors / partners

⚪︎ Business models

⚪︎ Business plans

⚪︎ Roll-out strategies


Communication and Media

We help those interested in promoting topics, brands, products or services in the field of clean energy and transport to implement their plans. We combine our technical expertise and communications skills.

⚪︎ Creative elaboration of the communication plan

⚪︎ Consultation with experts and decision makers 

⚪︎ Cooperation with media houses

⚪︎ Project coordination/management

⚪︎ Website development

⚪︎ Creation of presentations

⚪︎ Organisation of conferences, workshops, etc.

selected projects






A feasibility study for a pilot project involving the EV fast charging and energy storage


Preparation of electromobility products for customers with large fleets


Strategy for the development of public charging infrastructure in Prague (feasibility study)


Integration of electromobility into the distribution grid


A brief overview of selected market players providing CPO/MSP services in CEE

Shell Czech Republic

A major European logistics company

Design, development, and practical verification of an IT solution to optimize the use of the distribution network available capacity for EV public charging, and testing dynamic charging control involving V2G

The Technology Agency of the Czech Republic

Dopravní podnik města Olomouc

Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in the Czech Republic

Battery Energy Storage

An overview of energy storage technologies and an indication of feasibility of selected applications in the Czech Republic


The possibilities of using electricity storage for a transmission system operator

Ernst & Young

Feasibility study for a pilot project on storing energy in batteries for auxiliary services (in cooperation with DNV GL)


Technical-economic analysis for decision-making on the possible focus of public aid in the sphere of energy storage within the bounds of Operational Programme Business and Innovation


Analysis of the development of battery system installation in the energy system of the Czech Republic (in cooperation with EGÚ Brno)


Consideration of the possible use of community batteries as an alternative to small batteries with photovoltaic power plants installed behind the meter.


Assessment of the economics of a battery for peak shaving within an industrial complex


Applications and technology specifications for a pilot project of battery storage in distribution networks


Pilot project brief for the use of SLB (Second Life Batteries)


Complex Projects

The proposal and verification of possible development strategies for the Nano Green company

Nano Energies

Calibration of scenarios of RES input data for calculations as part of Generation Adequacy


Energy savings in buildings for performance based projects


Forecast of flexibility in the low-voltage and high-voltage network connected with the development of electromobility and decentralised facilities, in particular stationary storage, in the Czech Republic to the year 2040

The Technology Agency of the Czech Republic

Conceptual study of the development of community energy in Liberec

Teplárna Liberec

Introduction to energy self-sufficiency of apartment buildings

Družstevní marketingové sdružení Česká republika

Development of Community Energy in the Hradec Králové Region (a Conceptual Study)

Centrum investic, rozvoje a inovací

Short Term Commodities Strategy and Management


IT for flexibility aggregation and community energy: a comparison of flexibility aggregator business models


Business plan for "Enetiqa Commodity Trading"


Development and Practical Testing of IT Solutions for Optimizing the Use of Renewable Sources and Batteries in Energy Communities

The Technology Agency of the Czech Republic

Strategic Analysis of PV Portfolio Growth and Deployment Pathways

Garnet VRX

Study of the estimated realistically usable flexibility associated with the charging of BEV by 2040

ČEPS, innogy Energie, Škoda Auto, Orlen Unipetrol, PREdistribuce, Unicorn a.s.

Socially and Economically Responsible Pathways to Decarbonization: Modeling and Evaluation of Energy Transformation Scenarios in the Czech Republic

The Technology Agency of the Czech Republic

Communication and Media

Organisation of the Electromobility Forum 2018–2024 conference and accompanying media series (in cooperation with Economia)

Forum partners

New Electromobility Portal (in cooperation with Economia)

Portal partners

Bringing the most up-to-date information and expert discussions in the field of electromobility. In partnership with Hospodářské noviny.

October 1 - 2 2025

8th Edition of the Conference on the Present
and the Future of Electromobility



Martin Cmíral

Managing director

Martin Cmíral has over 10 years of experience in management positions from Biomass Technology Group, Vertis Environmental Finance and the ČEZ Group where he was responsible for renewable energy projects development and emissions trading. He founded LEEF Technologies in 2010.

Martin Cmíral, Managing director, LEEF Technologies
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Our team

Many years of experience from energy markets. We like our work and we like working together.