Complex projects

Study of the estimated realistically usable flexibility associated with the charging of BEV by 2040




ČEPS a.s., innogy Energie s.r.o., Škoda Auto a.s., Orlen Unipetrol a.s., PREdistribuce a.s. and Unicorn a.s.


LEEF role

LEEF developed a study, and ongoing discussions took place with the mentioned partners about the expert assumptions of the projections, the study’s theses, and its outputs.

The study analyzes the consumption profiles and overall charging demand in the Czech Republic for all types of road vehicles, describes the development status of “smart charging,” and displays the potential for flexibility associated with charging by 2040 for various vehicles and charging scenarios, including estimates of its availability throughout the day and week. It also focuses on the financial value of flexibility in electromobility and potential savings for vehicle operators.

⚪︎ The estimate of realistically usable flexibility from charging battery electric vehicles in the Czech Republic by 2040 includes 1.3-2.3 million light EVs, 28-59 thousand heavy EVs, and 10-13 thousand buses.
⚪︎ The expected aggregated capacity of EV batteries in 2040 is between 5-17 GW and 50-150 GWh.
⚪︎ Flexibility will be influenced by the time of day and whether it is a working day, with most capacity during working hours coming from light EVs.
⚪︎ Bidirectional charging could significantly increase the flexibility potential, with estimates exceeding tens of TWh per year.
⚪︎ The financial value of the flexibility market from EVs in the bidirectional charging mode could exceed 1 billion CZK in the Czech Republic by 2040.

Filip Vančura

Project Manager, LEEF Technolgies

Filip Vančura, Project manager, LEEF Technologies



We are a company that specializes in the development of clean energy and transport projects. We also carry out market analyses, develop project concepts and business plans, as well as new technology deployment strategies. We have been active in the market since 2010. Since the beginning, we have focused on electromobility, battery storage and development of technologically complex projects. Recently, we have also been working on green hydrogen projects.


Development of charging infrastructure, fleet electrification, advanced charging solutions. Forum elektromobilita. Portál elektromobilita.

Battery energy storage

Battery systems and their applications: ancillary services, autonomous generation, power supply optimisation, etc. Second life batteries.


Production, storage and distribution of emission-free and low-emission hydrogen. Integration with RES and battery storage. PPA contracts.

complex projects

Integration of multiple technologies. Optimization of local production/consumption. Flexibility for ancillary services. Local distribution networks. Energy communities.

Our team

Many years of experience from energy markets. We like our work and we like working together.